Protecting our schools by implementing surface protection treatments is an essential requirement that each and every parent, teacher, and child expect as a basic need. Because of COVID19, it has become even more important to ensure that we take extra precautions to ensure the safety of our children within the schools. There are many ways this can be accomplished, some of which include basic hygiene. Good handwashing, utilizing hand sanitizer, and maintaining physical distancing while also wearing facial coverings can help to ensure that we each are doing our part to prevent the spread of this pandemic.
To even go one step further to ensure that we are going above and beyond with our sanitation and safety mechanisms it is essential we also implement antimicrobial coatings on any high touch surface such as doorknobs, sinks, and faucets.
An antimicrobial coating is becoming more of a necessity, especially with the pandemic that has spread across the globe this year. By utilizing antimicrobial coatings on high touch surfaces we can prevent the spread of unwanted bacteria and/or viruses that run rampant within school-aged children.
SELECT SHIELD offers an antimicrobial coat opening that provides lasting protection to a variety of hard and soft surfaces.

Microbe Testing in Schools and Child Care Facilities
SELECT SHIELD utilizes an antimicrobial coating that provides enduring surface protection by eliminating a variety of pathogens long after the initial disinfection and coating application. SELECT SHIELD also utilizes a unique method via microbial surface testing before and after the service is completed to verify a surface is sufficiently clean.
The antimicrobial coating both eliminates pathogens by directly killing them, while also preventing the future formation of pathogens on the surface while the coating is in place.
Microbial surface testing is completed to verify that the surface has been effectively cleaned and over time the antimicrobial coating is working as intended.

Surface testing is performed prior to the application of our disinfectant and antimicrobial coating to allow the customer to see how contaminated the surface is currently. Once the antimicrobial coating is applied, the surface testing is once again performed to verify and monitor the difference. At this point, it will be noted that there are many fewer pathogens located on that same surface.
By performing surface testing, one can rest assured that they are better protected from current germs and mould.

Surface Protection and Why It is Important in High Traffic Areas in Child Care Centres And Elementary Schools
Surface protection has become a necessity for every business that entertains consumers or gatherings of people in any type of manner. Child Care Centres and Elementary Schools are among the most important businesses and educational establishments that absolutely need surface protection.

Child Care Centres can be small or large and care for many young children. These centres care for neonates, infants, toddlers, and school-aged children. A child’s immune system is not fully developed until the age of 7 or 8 (Active Health, 2020).
A child is born with innate immunity, but their adaptive immune system develops only after exposure to specific bacteria and/or viruses. According to Stanford Children’s Health, “Young children tend to get six to eight colds per year. The reason: Kids come into the world with no immunity to the 200 or so rhinoviruses that cause the common cold. Immunity develops only after infection” (Packard, 2020).
What Microbe Testing Revealed In Schools.
A recent study evaluating an outbreak of COVID-19 within multiple Child Care Centres in Utah suggests that the ‘daycare’ setting was how this illness was spread to both contacts at the Centre as well as contacts outside of the Centre.
According to Lopez (2020), “Twelve children acquired COVID-19 in child care facilities. The transmission was documented from these children to at least 12 (26%) of 46 non-facility contacts (confirmed or probable cases). One parent was hospitalized. The transmission was observed from two of three children with confirmed, asymptomatic COVID-19” (Lopez, 2020).
The same article continued to state that the children that were asymptomatic infected members of their own household and contributed to the spread of COVID-19 (Lopez, 2020). This could be prevented by adding surface protection in the form of antimicrobial coating to the high touch surfaces present within the daycares and elementary schools.
Day Cares are full of children who are at high risk of acquiring viruses. For this reason, it is even more important to ensure that we prevent the spread of COVID-19 by providing an antimicrobial coating to high touch surfaces. By doing so, we can prevent the spread of pathogens.
Elementary schools contain classrooms that have upwards of 30 plus students within one classroom. There are a lot of high touch surfaces such as desks, doorknobs, chairs, chalkboards, school supplies, water fountains, bathroom sinks, toilets, and door handles. These are just to name a few high touch surfaces that would definitely benefit from surface protection.

By adding surface protection provided by SELECT SHIELD one can be assured that after microbe testing, there are few pathogens left to be transmitted between children. By ensuring this surface protection, we can be proud to be a part of the prevention of this pandemic.
Our children deserve our protection, and this can best be established by ensuring appropriate sanitation to all surfaces.
Safety: A Key Concern. Are Kids Safe to Play and Learn Around Antimicrobial Coated Surfaces?
The major concern with parents, teachers, and school board members is if the antimicrobial coating utilized by SELECT SHIELD is safe for those exposed.
The antimicrobial coating is safe to use on all surfaces and leaves no residue. This antimicrobial coating not only kills current pathogens, it also continues to work by preventing future development of germs for between 7-10 days and up to a year for mould.
The antimicrobial coating that is utilized by SELECT SHIELD is non-toxic once dry. It is Health Canada registered, FDA approved, and EPA registered. These are reassurances to those who are concerned with the safety of this type of surface protection.
You can be rest assured there are no poisons or restricted pesticides being used with any antimicrobial coating utilized by SELECT SHIELD.
The antimicrobial coating is clear, colorless, and odorless. Hypoallergic and non-toxic, while incorporating non-leaching technology, it is safe as a means for surface protection.
Why Choose Select Shield For Surface Protection Solutions.
SELECT SHIELD takes very seriously the integrity of the antimicrobial coating. Making sure our children are protected when returning to schools and daycares during these unprecedented times is essential.
SELECT SHIELD utilizes a non-toxic, FDA approved, EPA registered antimicrobial coating that works to kill pathogens via direct contact and preventative measures. By maintaining a surface coating on the high touch surfaces, protection from germs can last for several days.
SELECT SHIELD utilizes surface testing to verify the surface is clean and safe and up to our rigorous standards. Regular testing over time will point towards the overall effectiveness of the antimicrobial coating protecting the surface.
The electrostatic application that is utilized via the application of this antimicrobial coating allows for a more thorough and uniform coating to all surfaces. This significantly reduces human error.
Do not miss out on this opportunity to protect yourselves and your children from the spread of unwanted pathogens. Child care and elementary schools are businesses and school establishments that have many children together within a small, fixed place. These areas create a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, and mould.
Therefore, it is tremendously important that as we all return back to work and to school that we not only ensure our safety but ensure the safety of those entrusted to us.
We live in a world, where we must be preventative, not reactionary. This is one of those times where we must stand together and each do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
By implementing enduring antimicrobial coating to high touch surfaces in elementary schools and child care centres we can reduce the number of cases of these unwanted illnesses. SELECT SHIELD has the surface protection you need to maintain sanitation while preventing cross-contamination.
If you work at a school or childcare centre you have an important decision to make, call SELECT SHIELD today, and speak live with one of our specialists to learn more about our services.